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Glendale Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Glendale Workplace Discrimination Attorney

Workplace discrimination is a serious problem that can affect employees at all levels of a company or organization and across all job industries. It happens when an employee is treated unfairly or unfavorably by their employer based on the employee’s race, gender, age, religion, and other characteristics that are considered protected. Employees who have faced discrimination would benefit significantly from the legal help of a Glendale workplace discrimination lawyer.

At Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation, our skilled and capable Glendale, CA, legal team makes it a priority to protect the rights of all employees in the workplace. We commit to helping our clients seek and obtain remedies for the discrimination they experienced and to holding their employers accountable for their discriminatory conduct.

Best Glendale Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

Identifying Workplace Discrimination

When you are seeking justice for the unfair treatment you experience, the first step is recognizing when you are being discriminated against. When you can identify discrimination in the workplace, you can take legal action, ensure your rights are protected, and create a work environment that is safer and more equitable for all employees. There are various ways workplace discrimination can manifest, including:

  • Unequal treatment
    Being treated unfairly compared to your coworkers because of a protected characteristic could be a sign of discrimination. Unequal treatment can be exhibited in pay disparities, denial of professional opportunities, biased evaluations of performance, or harsher disciplinary action.
  • Harassment
    Harassment at work can be an indication of discrimination if it targets one or more protected characteristics. Using racial slurs, making offensive jokes and comments, or engaging in unwanted sexual behavior can create a work environment that is hostile.
  • Denial of Reasonable Accommodations
    For employees with disabilities, employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations in the workplace. It can be considered discriminatory for an employer to refuse to grant those accommodations without giving a valid reason for the denial.
  • Discriminatory Hiring or Work Practices
    Preferential treatment of specific groups in the hiring process, when promoting employees, or when assigning desirable work assignments can indicate discrimination. It may suggest that the employer is favoring specific individuals unfairly because they belong to a specific group.
  • Retaliation
    Experiencing negative consequences, such as being fired or demoted, after either engaging in a protected activity or reporting discrimination can be considered retaliation. Retaliation can be used to keep employees from defending their rights, but it is a form of discrimination itself.

When you learn the different ways you can be discriminated against and understand the rights you have as an employee, you can detect when you are being mistreated. It is important to address these practices to ensure all employees get fair treatment and equal opportunities in the future.

Remedies Provided in a Workplace Discrimination Case

In a workplace discrimination case in Glendale, CA, there are a number of ways the situation can be remedied for workers who experienced discrimination, depending on the specific circumstances and severity of harm. Here are some of the many remedies for victims of workplace discrimination:

  • Back Pay – Compensation for any lost wages the employee would have earned, including bonuses, salaries, and commissions.
  • Front Pay – If it is not possible to reinstate an affected employee, front pay can potentially be awarded as compensation for future lost wages.
  • Hiring/Promotion/Reinstatement – Hiring, promoting, or reinstating an individual who was discriminated against restores employment opportunities that were lost or denied.
  • Changes to Policy – A court may require the guilty employer to put in place or make changes to anti-discrimination policies or training programs. The intent is to deter future discrimination.
  • Punitive Damages – Punitive damages are meant to punish the employer when their discriminatory behavior is especially malicious and to discourage similar conduct in the future.

By working with an experienced workplace discrimination lawyer on your case, you can ensure you are given proper remedies and receive the maximum compensation you deserve.


Q. How Do I Sue a Company for Discrimination in California?

A. In order to sue a company for discrimination in California, you must first obtain a Right to Sue notice by filing a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The notice gives you a specific amount of time to open a case with the court. Opening your own case means forfeiting the option to have a government agency investigate. Though this can be done without an attorney, it is not generally recommended.

Q. How Do You Deal With Discrimination in the Workplace?

A. It can be difficult to deal with discrimination in the workplace, but there are a few steps you can take to address the problem. You can start by documenting the issue as much as possible and making sure you are familiar with your company’s policy regarding discrimination. Next, report the harassment or discrimination to your employer or HR and request a written report for each incident. Speaking with an employment lawyer is also a great idea to determine what legal options you have.

Q. What Are the Consequences of Discrimination in the Workplace?

A. Discrimination in the workplace can have severe consequences for employees who are affected, as well as the employers who are found liable. Affected employees may miss out on career opportunities, suffer financially due to reduced earning potential or lost wages, or develop mental health issues. If found liable, employers can face legal penalties, including punitive and compensatory damages. In addition, workplace discrimination can damage a company’s reputation and negatively affect employee morale, which in turn can negatively impact productivity.

Q. Can an Individual Be Liable for Discrimination?

A. In California, an individual can be liable for certain kinds of discriminatory behavior. Any employee can face personal liability for participating in, aiding, or encouraging harassment. However, individual employees, such as supervisors and other agents of employers, generally can’t face liability for discrimination or retaliation that takes place on behalf of their employer. This includes hiring, firing, or promoting employees in the name of discrimination. Only the employers can be held liable for these actions.

Consult with a Glendale Workplace Discrimination Lawyer

If you believe you’ve experienced workplace discrimination, you should speak with a workplace discrimination lawyer to understand your rights as an employee. At Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation, our skilled team of legal professionals is very familiar with federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

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