What protection does California law provide to whistleblowers?
Posted in Firm News,Retaliation on February 25, 2017
When most employees report for the start of the workday they want nothing more than to spend their shift performing their assigned duties to the best of their abilities, a feat made possible in large part by their employer. Indeed, employee success ultimately hinges on an employer’s willingness to provide the necessary resources, support structure and… read more
Injured Police Recruits Entitled To Reasonable Accommodation Under FEHA
Posted in Firm News,Workplace Discrimination on February 22, 2017
It is well settled that permanent public employees in the state of California are entitled to certain benefits under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. But what about when an employer discontinues a reasonable accommodation that was offered in the past? A case recently decided by the Court of Appeal provides some guidance on the matter…. read more
What California employees need to know about the ‘one day’s rest in seven’ rule
Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws on February 10, 2017
There are certain wage-and-hour laws with which almost all California employees are undoubtedly familiar regardless of their occupation or their total annual earnings. For instance, most are probably well aware of the new minimum wage ($10.50 per hour for employees of large businesses and $10.00 per hour for employees of small businesses), and that they… read more
Reviewing age discrimination in California
Posted in Firm News,Workplace Discrimination on January 20, 2017
Each day, prospective workers apply for jobs and are rejected solely because of their age. For those who are subjected to age discrimination firsthand, a variety of challenges may turn their lives upside down. For example, a job applicant who is discriminated against may not receive consideration for a position they are fully qualified for, while… read more
What can I do if I suspect that I am being sexually harassed?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on January 18, 2017
In workplaces across Los Angeles, what appears to be friendly or interesting banter and innocent gestures may actually be sexual harassment. This type of discrimination was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. To better understand if you are being sexually harassed, you must know what it is. Types of sexual harassment Sexual harassment… read more
Knowing what qualifies as sexual harassment
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on January 16, 2017
When it comes to problems in the workplace in California, one of the most dangerous issues is sexual harassment. Often, accounts of sexual harassment go unreported because the victim either feels scared of retaliation or is not aware that their situation will qualify. The American Association of University Women has detailed the different ways that harassment can… read more
How will the legalization of recreational marijuana affect California employment?
Posted in Firm News,Wrongful Termination on December 21, 2016
Residents of Maine, Nevada, Massachusetts and California made history last month when they voted to join the ranks of Alaska, Oregon, Washington and Colorado by legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Once the initial shock — and, in some circles, elation — of these pro-marijuana victories wore off, however, many questions understandably started to arise among… read more
DOL urging retail workers to watch for wage violations during holidays
Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws on December 18, 2016
With the holiday season in full swing — and the Christmas holiday just one week away — it’s safe to assume that both traditional brick and mortar establishments and online retailers will be enjoying solids sales, particularly from last-minute shoppers. Indeed, many businesses will undoubtedly be offering special sales in the days ahead in an… read more
Change to California wage and hour law coming in 2017
Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws on December 16, 2016
Like its Federal counterpart, California law protects workers in the State of California to ensure that certain non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours a week are fairly compensated for overtime hours. However, the legal requirements under Federal law and California law regarding overtime can be slightly different. In addition, beginning in 2017, new changes to wage and… read more