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Associational Discrimination and How it Relates to COVID-19

Posted in Employment Law,Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws,Workplace Discrimination on April 17, 2021

Imagine asking for an accommodation at work so you can help a family member with a disability and you get terminated for making the request? Imagine in another scenario, your employer grants you the request but then terminates you shortly after? Is that discrimination, even though you are not the one who had the disability?… read more

Time Off From Work Beyond FMLA Leave

Posted in Employment Law,FMLA on April 17, 2021

Sometimes, employees need to take their full 12-weeks of FMLA leave to deal with a serious health condition.  What happens when the employee is unable to return to work at the end of their 12-week leave period?  Can the employer simply terminate the employee?  What if the employee could return after some additional leave that… read more

Unemployment and Wrongful Termination

Posted in Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation,Workplace Discrimination,Wrongful Termination on March 5, 2021

When someone loses their job, it can be an upheaval that affects every area of their life, including their sense of purpose. The effects of employment termination, especially when one has invested countless hours and energy into their job, can have severe negative psychological impacts as well as financial. This can be compounded by not… read more

State Fines California McDonald’s Franchisee for Retaliation

Posted in Firm News,Retaliation,Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation on February 23, 2021

Between April and August of last year, workers at a McDonald’s franchise in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles made verbal complaints to their managers about the restaurant’s safety and health conditions. Then, in June and July, they joined in strikes meant to protest the lack of precautions the company had been taking to… read more

Injured at Work in California With No Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Posted in Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation on February 13, 2021

Sustaining an injury during an accident is always an unpleasant experience. In addition to the trauma of the incident itself, there are often medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and income loss. Depending on the nature of the accident, insurance can provide you with the resources necessary to get through this period. If you receive a work-related… read more

How Non-Work-Related Injuries Can Impact a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation on December 29, 2020

Filing for workers’ compensation after a work-related injury should be a relatively straightforward process. Unfortunately, it is all too common for people to encounter all types of unique and complex variables that interfere with their claim. In some cases, injuries that occur outside of work may influence workers’ compensation benefits received for a prior work-related… read more

What You Need to Know About FMLA in CA During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation on December 12, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to influence the industries within our country, it has also greatly affected the workforce. When employees become infected with the virus or need to stay home for sick family members, they are faced with tough decisions regarding their employment. Generating income must be balanced with maintaining the health and safety… read more

Can You Submit a Workers Compensation Claim After Leaving Your Job?

Posted in Wage & Hour Laws,Workers Compensation,Workplace Discrimination,Wrongful Termination on November 5, 2020

In the vast majority of cases, workers who experience injuries on the job file a claim for California workers’ compensation shortly after the injury occurs. However, what happens if you are terminated, laid off, or leave your job before submitting your workers’ compensation claim? Unfortunately, filing after ending your employment can affect your ability to… read more

California Expands Workers’ Rights to Protected Leave Under The California Family Rights Act

Posted in Firm News on October 5, 2020

Recently, California’s Governor signed Senate Bill No. 1383 into law, which expands the protections afforded under the California Family Rights Act to more California workers. Prior to this change, the California Family Rights Act generally applied only to employers that employed 50 or more employees.  Therefore, workers employed at smaller companies were not afforded the… read more

Fired After COVID-19? You May Have a Wrongful Termination Claim

Posted in Wrongful Termination on August 21, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many industries to shift the way they conduct business on a daily basis to ensure the safety of their employees and their customers. Many people have transitioned to working from home thanks to telecommunication technology, but the change has not been easy for everyone. Current lockdown policies in place throughout… read more