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Can My Boss Deny My Time Off Request? What Are My Rights in CA?

Posted in FMLA on April 12, 2019

Virtually every employer offers some type of discretionary time off policy. Some employers allow employees to accrue paid vacation days, sick days, personal days, and paid time off. Employees have the right to use discretionary paid leave as they see fit in accordance with employer policies. For example, an employer may allow you to take… read more

What Is the False Claims Act: Who Does It Protect?

Posted in Whistleblower Protection on March 20, 2019

Due to recent occurrences within the federal government, most Americans have heard of whistleblower protections. However, the False Claims Act and its protections are much less well-known, even though the two go hand in hand. What is the False Claims Act? Who does it protect? What Is the False Claims Act? People often refer to… read more

Your Rights as a Pregnant Worker in California

Posted in Pregnancy Discrimination,Workplace Discrimination on February 21, 2019

More than 68 million women are in the United States workforce, and about 75% of them will become pregnant at some point during their employment. Prior to the passing of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, it was not uncommon for an employer to simply fire a pregnant employee so the employer would not lose… read more

What Is Quid Pro Quo Harassment in the Workplace

Posted in Sexual Harassment,Workplace Discrimination on February 20, 2019

Sexual discrimination in the workplace is an unacceptable offense that comes in many forms. An employer or coworker who makes sexually suggestive comments, overt sexual remarks, or engages in any unwanted contact creates a hostile work environment for the victim. One of the most common forms of sexual harassment in the workplace is quid pro… read more

Can Your Employer Monitor Your Private Work Messages?

Posted in Wrongful Termination on January 11, 2019

Technology allows for greater communication, but it also leaves an electronic footprint of all your private discussions. In personal circumstances, you expect your email and private messages to remain private – and for the most part, you have that right. Workplace electronic communication is a different story. Many employers take advantage of certain tracking devices… read more

What Does California Law Say About Breast Pumping at Work?

Posted in Pregnancy Discrimination on January 9, 2019

Breastfeeding is a necessary action mothers perform in order to keep their babies happy, healthy, and fed. Unfortunately, many people still view breastfeeding as vulgar, inappropriate, and shameful. As a result, employers, schools, and social stigma have forced mothers to breastfeed in poor conditions, exposing babies to germs from bathrooms and other private areas. California… read more

Drug Testing After Marijuana Legalization

Posted in Wrongful Termination on December 22, 2018

California recently legalized the use of recreational marijuana, and now the state is one of a handful that allows citizens over the age of 21 to possess, grow, and use certain amounts of marijuana. On the other hand, marijuana is still a controlled substance and federal law prohibits its possession. Additionally, employers are free to… read more

What You Need Before Your Free Consultation

Posted in Discrimination on December 20, 2018

Wrongful termination, discrimination, and other work-related injustices can have long-ranging financial and emotional consequences. If you are seeking legal action against an employer, it is helpful to know how an initial consultation works and how to prepare. How to Find an Employment Attorney One of the best ways to find an attorney is through word… read more

Work From Home Laws in California

Posted in Wage & Hour Laws on November 14, 2018

With more people working remotely from home, it’s important to know the laws in your state and how they pertain to you as an employee. Remote workers have the same rights as those who work in traditional offices, though some exceptions do exist for these situations. If you’re a telecommuter and are unsure of your… read more

When Workplace Relationships Lead to Harassment

Posted in Sexual Harassment on November 13, 2018

As most people know, 2018 was the year of the #MeToo movement. One strong voice became many, as women and men came out in force to raise awareness of sexual assault. They let the world know they weren’t going to stand by and allow sexual harassment to continue in the workplace – or anywhere else,… read more