Per Diem Employee Rights California Explained
Posted in Employment Law on December 15, 2023
While many are familiar with full-time and part-time employment, per diem employment is often a lesser-known concept. The benefits of per diem employment can be incredibly helpful to some employees, but it is also possible for employers to take advantage of those who don’t know their rights. Understanding what you are entitled to as a… read more
California 4-Hour Minimum Shift Law: What You Need to Know
Posted in Employment Law on September 2, 2023
While some employees may work fixed hours every week, others face varying schedules every day. This is because many industry jobs are reliant on customer and patient activity. Slow days at a business or healthcare facility often cause managers to send employees home early or call them off completely. This can heavily impact an employee… read more
California On-Call and Standby Time Policy Explained
Posted in Employment Law on May 26, 2023
State law provides strong employee protections, especially regarding wage and hour laws. These laws include protections and regulations for compensation when non-exempt employees are “on call” or on “standby” for their work. Depending on the circumstances of your on-call work, you may be entitled to at least the minimum wage for those hours. These hours… read more
California Final Paycheck Law – Workers Know Your Rights
Posted in Employment Law on March 28, 2023
Compensation for work is essential for financial stability, especially when leaving a job. Sometimes, employers will take their time giving former employees their final paychecks. If they take too long, these employees can be entitled to more money than just what they earned in their last pay cycle. Understanding final paycheck laws, as well as… read more
California Lunch Break Law – All You Need to Know
Posted in Employment Law on December 15, 2022
As an employee in California, it is important to understand your rights and protections under the state’s lunch break laws. These are designed to ensure you get the rest and nutrition you need daily without compromising your work. By better understanding the state’s laws, you can ensure you get the breaks you are supposed to… read more
California Workplace Sexual Harassment Statistics
Posted in Employment Law,Sexual Harassment,Workplace Discrimination on June 30, 2022
Sexual harassment in the workplace violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. Sexual harassment can come in many forms in the workplace and is, unfortunately, somewhat common. California law defines sexual harassment not only as unwelcome advances or sexual actions that create a hostile work environment but also… read more
Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Abuse in California: What’s the Difference?
Posted in Employment Law,Sexual Harassment,Workplace Discrimination on April 15, 2022
While it’s hard to put a label on the emotional impact of any type of unwanted sexual act, the law must have very distinct categories. The main differences among the terms sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse are their legal implications – and none of these words can categorize the emotional impact that they… read more
What Are Some Examples of Workplace Discrimination in California?
Posted in Employment Law,Workplace Discrimination on March 15, 2022
Employment attorneys in California handle many different types of cases related to discrimination in the workplace. Some of these cases involve wrongful termination due to the employee’s gender or gender identity. Others may be circumstances in which a whistleblower was subjected to workplace retaliation or unfair disciplinary actions. These examples barely scratch the surface of… read more
California Supreme Court Serve Up Another Victory For California Workers
Posted in Employment Law on February 28, 2022
Recently, the California Supreme Court in Lawson v. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. clarified what the standard of proof is for litigating whistleblower claims under Labor Code section 1102.5. Labor Code section 1102.5 prohibits employers from retaliating against employees in California for disclosing a violation of state or federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance… read more
Forced Arbitration for Sex Abuse Nullified by New Bill
Posted in Employment Law,Sexual Harassment on February 14, 2022
Bipartisan legislation was approved by Congress on Thursday, February 10, 2022, that bars the application of forced arbitration in cases of workplace sexual harassment and sexual assault claims. The measure has now been sent to President Biden in an effort to stop a secretive practice that has been used frequently to prevent perpetrators from experiencing… read more