Will it Become Easier for Employees to Prove FMLA Retaliation?
Posted in FMLA,Retaliation on October 6, 2017
Employers already face significant difficulties when FMLA leave-related disputes arise. A recent court ruling only increases the challenges companies deal with when disciplining or terminating an employee who is on or just completed FMLA leave. Cassandra Woods was an employee of START Treatment & Recovery Centers. Issues related and not related to work affected her… read more
HR group argues federal exempt overtime threshold should rise
Posted in Firm News,Wage & Hour Laws on October 4, 2017
A federal judge recently scuttled plans to raise the salary level that helps determine whether employees are entitled to overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Workers who are subject to the federal FLSA are generally entitled to overtime pay unless they meet a specific exemption from the law. The salary level is part of… read more
Is sexual orientation discrimination equal to sex discrimination?
Posted in Firm News,Workplace Discrimination on September 29, 2017
The Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage represented a milestone for the LGBT community. Their long, hard-fought battle to be placed on legal footing with opposite-sex marriage culminated in a key victory. However, another fight continues. The hallmark achievement two years ago now serves as a prelude to ending discrimination in another setting. The Workplace… read more
Three tips for pregnant employees
Posted in Firm News,Workplace Discrimination on September 23, 2017
Getting a job in today’s marketplace may be easier compared to past years. But if you are a pregnant woman, the road to a job may still be as difficult as when the last depression killed jobs. This is because not every employer understands (or follows) the rules governing pregnant workers and may discriminate against… read more
Women file class action against Google claiming unequal pay
Posted in Firm News,Workplace Discrimination on September 19, 2017
Three female plaintiffs have filed suit against Google and hope to have the lawsuit certified as a class action. They claim that the internet giant routinely pays women substantially less than men for similar work. This violates the California Equal Pay Act and other anti-discrimination laws. Moreover, they claim the company thwarts advancement by women…. read more
Bill expanding California parental leave heads to governor
Posted in Firm News,Retaliation on September 18, 2017
Not all expectant parents in California are guaranteed time off once their children are born. While state law guarantees 12 weeks of parental leave for many new mothers and fathers, the existing law only covers people working in companies with at least 50 employees. This could change under SB 63, the New Parent Leave Act,… read more
Did a cemetery worker reporting bad behavior dig his own grave?
Posted in Firm News,Wrongful Termination on September 5, 2017
In 2015, Reymond Blazys began working at Roselawn Memorial Park and Glenview Memorial Gardens, two cemeteries based in southern Wisconsin. After two years of watching his co-workers perform their supposedly sacred duties while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, he decided to report their bad behavior. Not long after, Blazys was fired. According to… read more
Female employees win $10 million settlement with Ford
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on September 2, 2017
In a bit of news that may have slipped under your radar in the last couple of weeks, Ford settled a lawsuit with a group of female employees to the tune of $10.1 million. The allegations made by the women stem from a hostile work environment at a Chicago assembly plant that they claim fostered… read more
Labor and workplace discrimination laws on a collision course?
Posted in Firm News,Wrongful Termination on August 17, 2017
One day after former Google employee James Damore filed a National Labor Relations Board complaint, a court ruling may have already bolstered the merits of his complaint. Damore is the former engineer whose candid email recently garnered banner headlines that saw his name and story trend on social media. After sending the missive where he… read more
What is a hostile work environment?
Posted in Firm News,Sexual Harassment on August 16, 2017
Almost everyone has had a job they found unpleasant or coworkers they didn’t get along with. But when does a bad workplace become a hostile work environment? While it can be hard to get your work done when your coworker plays their music too loudly or your boss ignores you when you ask for help,… read more