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What is Employer Retaliation in California?

Home » What is Employer Retaliation in California?

Retaliation occurs when an employer or superior punishes an employee for engaging in a legally protected act. These protected acts can range from reporting a safety code violation, reporting fraudulent activity, taking family leave for a pregnancy, or even reporting harassment or discrimination. Retaliatory behavior can take many forms including firing, salary reduction, reduced hours, job reassignment, demotion or any other negative action.   If you were a victim of retaliation in Los Angeles, know that the law is on your side. Get help from the wrongful termination lawyers at Nosratilaw, A Professional Law Corporation.

What to Do About Retaliation in the Workplace in California

Under California law, employers cannot retaliate against employees for protected activities such as reporting illegal conduct, filing a wage claim, filing discrimination suits, reporting fraud, filing safety complaints, or refusing to help with unlawful activities. Sometimes retaliation is obvious, such as an employer firing a worker or openly yelling at him or her for filing a claim. Other times, retaliation comes in the form of getting moved to a different office or shut out of group meetings. Unfair punishment, demerits, negative performance reviews, denial of promotions and raises, exclusion from programs, increased workload, forced time off, and job termination are all examples of  retaliation.

Whatever form it comes in, retaliation is harmful and against the law. If you suspect that you have been a victim of workplace retaliation, contacting an experienced employment lawyer can help protect your rights.

Our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys can explain your legal rights and options so you can decide what option best suits your needs.  Some options may include reporting the retaliation to a government agency to allow them to conduct their own independent investigation. Other times, the situation may have reached a point where filing a legal claim is the appropriate choice.

How Our Los Angeles Retaliation Lawyers Can Help

Being the victim of retaliation can lead to financial and personal damages. Job termination cuts you off from much-needed income, as well as damages your reputation and causes problems with your job history. Loss of career opportunities as punishment for simply acting within your rights can be mentally taxing, and lead to emotional distress and the inability to get promotions. Even something like your boss making passive-aggressive remarks to you at work is a form of retaliation. The law is on your side as an employee who blew the whistle on your employer’s wrongful acts. Let a Los Angeles Retaliation attorney stand up for you and fight for justice for unlawful retaliation. Call (310) 553-5630 or submit our online form to speak with someone in Los Angeles today.

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